Evil Trans Fats
Is anyone else picking up on all the grumblings about trans fats lately? Pretty soon all food containing trans fats will have to be labeled (and by "containing," of course the government means "containing more than this amount which the food manufacturing lobby has convinced us equals zero even though it is more than zero").
I've been reading about trans fats a lot lately and I had no idea that they were both really really bad for you and in just about everything I consume every day. Peanut butter... frozen dinners... donuts... yeah, that's a daily meal plan for me, and those trans fats are in all of it! Any time you see the word "partially hydrogenated" in a list of ingredients, you have to watch out, because that's trans fat. Start reading labels and you'll realize that every good and yummy thing you love to consumer is full of trans fats. It's been rather devastating to my eating habits! Thank god diet coke doesn't have trans fats... just cancer-causing nutrasweet.
Anyway, apparently trans fats not only raise the bad fat in your blood stream, but they also stop the good things that good fats do. In case you want it explained to you in simple form, I saw this article today which lays it all out.
It freaks me out that people weren't talking about this before... but maybe none of us were listening. I wonder if health experts have been cursing apathetic, un-health-educated consumers like me for the past few years for not realizing how bad trans fats are just like I sit around grumbling about people who don't vote and don't realize how bad the Bush Administration is. Hmmm...
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