Channeling Lucy

Monday, March 21, 2005

Drew Carey Doesn't Rock

This morning I was listening to a radio morning show on the drive back to Philly from DC. Drew Carey called in to promote his new movie "Robots." When the hosts asked him about politics, he said his usual mantra: Shut up and act.

Okay, I can respect that. You're an entertainer. You think entertainers should just entertain rather than pontificate on issues they may not know anything about.

But then the host asked if he had anything to say about politics, seeing as he was speaking to a DC crowd. He took the opportunity to rail against social security as a program that we all really hate. Then he said, "If this presidency is affecting your life, you should be living a different life."*

Um, what? Pretty easy to say that a president shouldn't affect your life when you never have to worry about housing, food, health care, employment, and a million other daily struggles faced by non-millionaires.

Didn't Drew Carey come from humble roots? What am I missing here? Well Drew, if you're out there, I would really like to be living a different life so I'm not affected by this presidency. So you can make a check out to me for a million or so and I'll send you a postcardin a month to let you know how nice and unaffected I am.

* This is practically verbatim, but I can't guarantee it's perfectly verbatim.


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